'Pit Diaper': Adult Diaper For Concertgoers Introduced By LIQUID DEATH And DEPEND

December 5, 2024

Liquid Death has introduced the greatest accessory for concertgoers everywhere — the limited-edition Pit Diaper powered by Depend.

Endorsed by drummer Ben Koller (CONVERGE, MUTOID MAN, KILLER BE KILLED, ALL PIGS MUST DIE),the Pit Diaper locks away recycled Liquid Death and helps neutralize odors instantly, so you never have to leave the pit, miss your favorite song or worry about leaks ever again.

Compatible with Depend Guards for men, the sleek design features premium, cruelty-free quilted pleather, accented with chains and spikes, to seamlessly blend into any outfit.

Koller states: "The show can't be stopped for a bathroom break. With the Pit Diaper, I can hydrate without missing a beat."

The Pit Diaper can be purchased exclusively at liquiddeath.com/pitdiaper for $75.

Earlier this year, Liquid Death announced collaborations with e.l.f. Cosmetics for a corpse paint makeup kit and Yeti for a life-sized coffin-shaped cooler.

This past March, Liquid Death closed $67 million in financing from strategic partners and new investors including top national distributors, along with notable names in entertainment and sports.

"Liquid Death has become the fastest growing and leading brand across the water, flavored sparkling water, and iced tea categories. We continue to see extremely strong consumer and retailer demand and are proud to have raised a strategic, oversubscribed, 'up' round to fuel our growth," said Mike Cessario, founder and CEO of Liquid Death. "What began as appealing to inbound interest has culminated in a leading group of strategic investors from finance, entertainment and distribution backgrounds. This round, coupled with the appointment of Stephen Ballard, a seasoned sales executive and White Claw alum, will enable us to continue scaling a world-class distribution network to murder thirst and plastic bottles around the globe."

The $1.4 billion valuation is a strong increase over prior funding rounds. Distributor investors include the No. 1 distributors in North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, and top distributors in other key markets around the country. New institutional investors include SuRo Capital alongside follow-on investors Live Nation, Science, Inc. and Gray's Creek Capital Partners. Other prominent investors in the round include actor Josh Brolin, NFL All-Pro and entrepreneur DeAndre Hopkins, "The Chapelle Show" co-creator Neal Brennan, Brazil's largest metal band SEPULTURA's Derrick Green, and Australian comedian Jim Jefferies.

Liquid Death hit $263 million in retail scanned sales through registers in 2023 and expanded to 113,000 retail doors across the U.S. and U.K. The company achieved over triple-digit growth for the third consecutive year, becoming the fastest-growing top water and top iced tea brand, according to SPINS.

As one of the fastest-growing non-alcoholic beverage brands, Liquid Death is the first beverage company using comedy and entertainment to make health and sustainability 50 times more fun. Liquid Death takes the healthiest thing you can drink and packages it into infinitely recyclable tallboy cans that can actually compete with the fun marketing of unhealthy brands across energy drinks, beer, and junk food. A portion of Liquid Death's proceeds goes to nonprofits who are helping to fight plastic pollution and bringing clean drinking water to those in need.

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